Decorating from A-Z, (S is for Staging tips)

by / Saturday, 20 August 2011 / Published in Design tips- Decorating from A-Z, INSPIRATION STATION

Stage it, if you want to sell it.  The difference between  interior decoration and staging is, One is for YOU (and what you desire) and the other is all about the buyer.

To increase your home’s appeal and accelerate the sales process, here are 8 tips to get you started.

De clutter–  Buyers need to see your home, not your stuff.  Excessive personal items are distracting and can deter a sale.

Refresh consider new art work.  Displaying new artwork is a great way to breathe new life into a room.  Photography can be used to contemporize a room and add a splash of color as well.

My daughter and I painted this one weekend afternoon.  It could work for staging.

Organize – Don’t stuff or hide things in the closets, drawers and attic.  Buyers look everywhere!

Add Curb appeal – Get their attention from the curb. It’s your first chance to make a good first impression.  Add potted plants and flowers, power-wash patios and walkways.  Weed the garden and mow the lawn. 

Curb Appeal by rjacksonCurb Appeal

Explore home design ideas

These are great ways to wow the home buyer before they even enter your home.

Update Paint (neutral colors work best)
Your favorite color may be purple  or bright red, but too-bright colors turn buyers off. Neutralize strong colors for the broadest appeal.  This will also make the home appear larger and more spacious.

Neutral colors can be beautiful by rjacksonNeutrals colors can be beautiful 

Explore home design ideas

Neutrals are more than beige, and white walls.  Go for nice muted tones, they have a broad appeal and complement various design styles.

Let there be light!- For sufficient natural light, open up the blinds and draperies.  Turn all lights on for the best showing.

Furnishings update (carpet, accessories, window treatments, furnishings) – Think about removing or replacing worn or outdated furnishings .  Make the first impression count.

Staged living room by rjacksonStaged living room

Explore home design ideas

leftover wallpaper adds great texture and a dynamic focal point to this living room.  And the few added accessories give it a warm and global vibe.

If you’re staging a vacant property consider furniture rental -Vacant rooms seem uninviting and cold, and buyers have a difficult time figuring out the scale of a room or it’s purpose.

So you ask yourself, “Is it really worth it to put energy and time into staging your property?  Well here is some food for thought:

According to the U.S. Housing and Urban Development, a staged house sells on average, 17% higher than an unstaged house.

The investment of staging your home (i.e. painting, updating furnishings) is significantly less then a homes first price reduction.

Are you putting a home on the market?  What can you do to ensure a positive result?  If you are in need of help to make your home market ready we can assist.  Call us at the number below for a consultation.

Inspiring Creativity,

Ricci Jackson

(217) 722 4806

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