What to Stock In Your Holiday Stocking

by / Monday, 12 December 2011 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION

What to Stock In Your Stocking

As I (Imani) mentioned in a previos post stockings are a big part of my family’s Christmas tradition.

That being said I figured a great follow up post would be to focus on what to put in those stockings.

In my opinion, the best stocking presents are ones that are either too small to wrap or simple necessities someone asked for.

Examples of this being DVDs, Candles, Bath Soaps, Picture Frames, Chocolates, Hats and Scarves etc.

I love stockings because they are typically gifts you specifically asked for and do not carry the (sometimes) unwanted surprise of a wrapped gift .

While some may say this takes the fun out a gift, I can honestly say that no one is ever disappointed with a gift they specifically asked for.
Another reason I like stockings is because stockings can have themes. I remember the Christmas before I went abroad to Europe, I received a stocking full of presents related to the countries I was visiting.

The stocking that year was bursting with books full of facts about my travels.  a camera memory card, outlet converters, post cards from European countries and sight seeing maps.

Another way to flex your stocking stuffing muscle is by filling the stocking with just gifts from a dollar store. Not only will you save money, but dollar stores are full of random items that are sure to please anyone in your family. I highly encourage you look there if you are trying to stocking stuff on a budget.

I hope this helped to inspire your use of stockings or at least gave you new ideas of what to put in them.

Happy Holidays!


Stocking items related to the countries Imani visited….What a great idea!

Here are our holiday stockings.  I made these for my family 2 years ago.  At the time our focus was more on service to others.  We did quite a bit of volunteer work and aimed to bless others who were in need.

We decided that whatever we gave each other had to fit inside the stocking.  So I decided to make the stockings a little larger than the typical size.  The kids seemed to appreciate it.


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