Is Your Home Office Serving You Well?

by / Monday, 02 January 2012 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION

I like to think of the new year as a way to reflect on things past, but more importantly to  invite change, set new goals, and embrace new opportunities.  After all it’s a BRAND NEW YEAR to have a FRESH NEW START.

It’s a time to ponder what worked the past year and decide what needs to be tweaked or changed coming into a new one.

Were you as organized as you had hoped?

Did you donate extra items to family members or charities to eliminate clutter?

What challenges did you have and vow to address?   Personally, I had organization issues.  As much as I placed a considerable amount of effort in this area, there was still more to do, more to learn and more to keep up with as a small business.

If you work from home or have a small business Ask yourself these questions.  Is Your Office Serving You Well?  Can you find things easily, Is your space inviting?  Does it inspire you to be productive?

Here are some considerations if you answered no to most of the above questions.

1.  Consider making a few small improvements in your physical space.  Studies have shown that if you’re not happy in your physical space it can adversely affect you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  Whether you work from home, or have to commute to an office, make sure your office is inviting, functional and inspires productivity.

Imagine going to an office that looks like this.  My guess is you probably wouldn’t be too motivated or comfortable in this surrounding everyday.

Conversely if you personalize your work space, and create an organized space, studies have shown that you enjoy work more, you work harder, and you have a greater sense of “organizational well-being”.(Wells, 2000).  The examples below are examples of inspiring offices.

This nook shows a good use of space with adequate storage solutions. The area rug adds comfort and ties the green elements together.

This space has a more masculine appeal.  I like how the touch of gold between the light   fixtures relate to each other. And how the cylinder shape is also mimicked on the wall covering. 

This office is Fresh, Artsy  and Modern.  The white walls, and ghost chairs add a feeling of openness.Other considerations for your office are:

2.  TRY A GOOD OFFICE CHAIR that supports your body and help reduce back strain.  Consider how much time you spend in that chair. It’s likely to be at least 20 hours per week and may be worth the investment.


Too much light can cause eye-strain and headaches.  Make sure you have various levels of lighting options.  If possible consider a good balance of natural light and task lighting.  You may even need to adjust the refresh rate on your computer screens to reduce eye strain. (google refresh rate to learn how)

4.  Do you have ADEQUATE STORAGE?  When your space is clutter free your mind is free to think clearer.  And having a place for everything is so much more productive than spending a considerable amount of time looking for things.  Unfortunately, I know this all too well.


To reduce noise, consider adding rugs or wall to wall carpeting; ceiling tiles with sound absorbent systems also help to minimize noise.


A personalized work space reduces stress and increases work performance. Small decorations can have a huge impact.  From family photos, to inspirational images or quotes, to displaying your achievements and awards.  Surround yourself with things that motivate and inspire you.

7.  NEW PAINT is a simple change that can have an enormous impact in your space.  With each consultation, We ask each client how they want to “feel” in their space.  This often determines the direction we’ll take with paint recommendations.

Does your office serve you well?  Does it need a REFRESH? How can we help you create an inspiring office?  Will a $50.00 incentive help you get your project off the ground?  Give us a call, we’d love to help. photo credits are from

Inspiring Creativity,


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