Inspiration: Ice and Glass Create Beauty

by / Monday, 27 February 2012 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION

Glass can add beautiful reflective qualities to a space.  Here Imani shares how ice and glass have inspired her.

I spent 6 glorious days in the Bahamas with my family.

As we were packing to come back home, I was dreading how cold it was going to be back in Chicago.

Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot stand the cold winters that those of us who live in the Midwest are forced to endure. However, while already mentally pulling out my winter coat and boots, I made myself think about one thing I actually do like about winter. Surely I cannot dislike it all, right?

After a long thought I realized that I truly enjoy seeing icicles and looking at how the light hits them on a sunny winter day. This sparked my interest in glass pieces. Glass structures around the house are so beautiful by themselves, but when light hits them the colors and shapes they make are magical. I know around my house we have many glass pieces that help accent a room. Here are some if the fixtures.

What do you like about the winter months?

Inspiring Creativity,



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