That’s Pinteresting! DIY Bowls

by / Wednesday, 25 July 2012 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION

Accents make the home. It’s the little touches around a home that take it from the standard kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom ensembles to a home that is truly yours.

One of the most useful and decorative accents that can be used in the home is a bowl. They come in a variety of textures, colors and sizes and are ideal for depositing things like mail or car keys. On Pinterest this week I began to search for the truly unique bowls and came up with some seriously cool DIY ones. Click on the pictures to see how they are made. Enjoy!

….. and CHOCOLATE bowls for fun!

Ricci Jackson is a Certified Interior Decorator and founder of Your Design Partner.

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Inspiring creativity,



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One Response to “That’s Pinteresting! DIY Bowls”

  1. Niyah says :

    I want to make the fabric bowls!!!