Inspiration Monday: Fresh prints for weary walls

by / Monday, 25 August 2014 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION


Fresh prints for weary walls.

My hubby decided to have an art class outdoors. It turned out to be wildly successful, loads of fun and the inspiration for this week.

What I love most about the concept, was that everyone walked away with an original piece of art that they personally made.

So here’s how it worked:

The instructor set up all of the supplies in preparation for each artistoutside art lesson

DSC_0298And lead them step by step through the process of making the designated piece (A bridge surrounded by an evening sky)


Everyone painted the same thing, but added their own personal spin on it.painting class

And in the end each participant had a fresh print to take home.

It’s likely, that we all have at least one weary wall in our home.  Maybe it’s in the study, powder room, basement or home office.

The challenge is figuring out the best place to showcase your new creation.

A piece of art can be found in a variety of places, but creating your own, empowers you to stretch your creative muscle and showcase your work proudly.

art lesson

I’ll have to admit that there were a few pieces that um had issues…..hey, we can’t all be artists right?

In this case, I’d say, leave the artwork  to the artists.

We’ll feature a few good finds from our online shop on Friday.  stop back to see what we’ve found.

In the meantime

Do you need help getting  a jump start on a project?

Does the process seem a bit overwhelming?

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We also have 3 distinct design plans:

Refresh Your Space ,The “DIY Plan”  and A Total Redesign.

Contact us to see which plan is right for you; our one hour consultation can help get you started in the right direction.

Ricci Jackson is a Certified Interior Decorator and founder of Your Design Partner. Lets work together to create a design that fits your lifestyle.

Reserve your appointment today by calling (217) 722-4806 or email us at

Inspiring creativity,


lady vector


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