Sundays with Ydp: Eclectic style
I’m having my tonsils removed in 3 days. 🙁
Bah hum bug! Which is short for …I’m not really thrilled about this! And ain’t nobody got time for that!
It is, what it is……I am looking forward to not having little white stones on my tonsils that harbor bacteria….I know, I know, it sounds totally gross right?….I may be under the weather for several days and not so inspired…but we’ll see how it goes.This week’s inspiration is taken from the eclectic design style.
This style resonates with so many people who love a little of this, from one design style and a little of that from another.
None of us like to be put into little boxes, and well, our design style preferences are no different.
Personally, I am GUILTY as charged for having an eclectic appreciation for design.
This style lends itself to rooms that are alive, and interesting.
The match-y match-y concept is not prevalent in this aesthetic.
Here are a few tips
- Choose a primary mood for your space and use elements to act as a juxtaposition to add interest. For example clean lines with a modern flair, may be juxtaposed with an antique or vintage “find” from a flea market.
- Choose a traditional dining table, but pair it with a collection of eclectic chairs. For example, each chair may be different, but united by the same upholstery.
- keep background colors simple, so they can translate well with a mix of textures, patterns and finishes.
- My favorite way to decorate in this style, is to use bold masculine pieces (like chunky woods) with a bit of glamour.
- Mix curved lines with straight ones.
- Or add contemporary rugs in traditional spaces.
The greek key arms and art piece add a contemporary flair to this traditional sectional and the eclectic factor is in full swing with the juxtaposed metal antler side table, wood cocktail table and floor lamp.
We have been highlighting different design styles over the past several weeks.
If you missed the last few posts, click here for tips on how to decorate in these design styles:
Sometimes all you need is an update or REFRESH.
Are you inspired to make a change in your decor? Does the eclectic vibe resonate with you?
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Thank you for joining us! See ya next Sunday!
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