Sundays with Ydp: How Maya Angelou Inspired this post

by / Sunday, 18 September 2016 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION, Sundays with Ydp


“Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future. Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence. Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”

maya angelou day away

– Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

I read this book many years ago and the essay “A day away” just resonated with my soul.  I decided, I would give it a try and loved it so much it was time to do it again.

I recently decided to resign from Bassett furniture as a design consultant, to focus on my business full time.  I’d been planning to do this for awhile now, but continued to delay it again and again and again.

Many things held me back, but the primary reason was fear. I can’t say that I’m fearless right now, but I know I’ve made the right decision and I’m excited for what’s ahead.

Contrary to Maya’s  advice for “no solutions searched for”; I had specific intentions for my day away. I wanted to be clear about my business direction, so I prayed for guidance and clarity of focus as I surge ahead with the few weeks left in 2016.

To create memories of my retreat, I took several photos and added quotes to each one using a photo editing site.

Here they are:

As I sat by the lake in stillness this verse came to mind.dsc_1059

 This shot reminded me that while, I don’t know exactly what’s around the bend, I’m looking forward to it with excitement.  Coincidentally, My hubby gave me a journal for the trip and when I opened the page…guess what it read? 


 This image was really telling.  A leaning tree. Really?  How often do we want to lean on our own understanding? I also felt like it was symbolic of stepping out of my comfort zone. Was God speaking to me?  Yes he was.


Inspiration was all around me, so of course I wanted to figure out a way to incorporate such beauty in designing.yellow-wild-flowers


Pillows, canvas art and Thank you notes seemed perfect

I tried for the pillows. Here’s the link

And Easy canvas prints for this collage.   Here’s the link

print to canvas

And this image was perfect forhueston-woods-lake’s note cards

thank you note cards

How do you feel about a day away? Mine was incredible. I highly recommend it.

Design Tip this week

Treat yourself to a day away…photograph inspiring moments…create beautiful designs with them.

Thanks for stopping by friends,

We help busy homeowners create spaces they can be proud of. Contact us to learn more about our products and services. You can email us at or call 513-409-3759

Inspiring Creativity,



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One Response to “Sundays with Ydp: How Maya Angelou Inspired this post”

  1. Tiffany says :

    This is my favorite post to date. I left corporate at the beginning of the year to start my business. I am still afraid sometimes but not as much as I used to be. I kind of felt like I was the only one going through it at the time. Weird, huh? I think I need a relaxing day as you suggest. It is a great way to re-group.