Inspiration: Guest post – The beauty of glass tiles

by / Monday, 21 October 2013 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION

Glass tile projects are ideal for home and craft projects. Our guest blogger shows you how.

The Beauty of Glass Tiles

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Although glass tiles have been receiving much attention lately, the truth is that they have been around centuries before and were used by very creative and innovative artisans in creating wonderful and breath taking mosaics.

Today, given their ability to reflect light and create dramatic and subtle effects; glass tiles are the popular choice among home owners and designers. Anyone who has ever worked with the gleaming pieces of glass tiles can attest to the creative potential of glass tiles.

So while they make awesome wall or even floor coverings, they can be used in a number of ways including DIY crafts.

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Tiles for Crafts: Why not?

Think about it, after a home improvement project you might find yourself with boxes and sheets of surplus glass or ceramic tiles. Keeping them in storage or throwing them away may not be so wise.  Landfills have enough problems dealing with tonnes of rubbish and adding these tiles will not only be a waste but will cause further harm to the planet.

Consider that small DIY tile crafts as a way of recycling and offsetting your carbon footprint. Besides, following the DIY cred is wholly satisfying. 

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Craft Ideas

Jewelry.There is a community of passionate and highly creative individuals crafting pendants out of glass tiles. Their pieces of art work can range from fun and bubbly to dark and gothic. It all depends on the taste of the artist. Recently, these DIYers have also been experimenting with glass tile rings. They are a bit chunky but nevertheless scream individuality and originality.

Fridge Magnets.The steps to producing these lovely magnets are similar to glass tile pendants but instead of bails, blue magnets are placed on the back of the tiles.

Coasters.Who would have thought that glass tile sheets could yield such stylish coasters? This is one of the most ingenious ideas we’ve come across with. Requiring only grout, cork board for backing, and a utility knife for snipping off the mesh, you can have a chic set of coasters in a matter of hours.

Trays or Mosaic Table Tops. Essentially borrowing the steps needed to installing floor tiles or a backsplash, but instead applying it on table tops or trays. This gives old furniture a new lease on life and depending on the type and colors used; you can simulate a seaside or a retro atmosphere.

Mirror Frame.Liven up old mirrors and give it a personality by adding glass tiles along the borders. The extra reflective surface can bring focus to the mirror, while also creating subtle effects as it bounces off light.

Glass tiles are marvels indeed. They have come a long way since ancient times and it’s amazing to know that despite appearing delicate, these gems are versatile enough to suit projects both great and small.

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Roberta Madison writes for where has been working as marketing manager.  The company is a provider of various tile products, including stone tiles, exotic tiles and glass tiles. Follow Roberta Madison on G+.

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