Lifestyle Friday: Art is integral to a design plan

by / Friday, 25 April 2014 / Published in INSPIRATION STATION, Lifestyle

LifeStyle(wb)Making a statement with art should be personal.  Whether art is a painting or an architectural piece; something you bought or made, it should speak to you in some way.

Do vivid colors grab your attention?calles with blue

Calla Lilies

 or more subtle tones?

Screen shot 2014-04-20 at 4.51.15 PMFramedImageGenerator-1Are buildings and cityscapes your thing?columns in paris Columns in ParisFramedImageGenerator-2

Or textural art?concentric ripplesConcentric ripplesmeteor showerMeteor shower

nuances of chocolate

 Chocolate nuances

 Perhaps nature inspires youFramedImageGeneratorOr Vintage artFramedImageGenerator-3

Whatever YOUR thing is, include it in your home decor….and make sure it speaks to YOU.  This week we talked about pillows, lighting and art….when they come together, your home will shine.

.Screen shot 2014-04-24 at 7.23.23 PM

Image sourceLIVING ROOM .jpg

Do you need help getting  a jump start on a project?

Does the process seem a bit overwhelming?

Consider downloading our PROJECT STARTER TOOL KIT to help guide you in the right direction. It’s easy. Every new subscriber receives it for FREE! Look for the button on our home page and if you know someone that might also benefit, share it forward.

We also have 3 distinct design plans:

Refresh Your Space The “DIY Plan” A Total Redesign Contact us to see which plan is right for you; our one hour consultation, can help get you started in the right direction. Ricci Jackson is a Certified Interior Decorator and founder of Your Design Partner. The goal of Ydp is to meet you where you are In your design process. Reserve your appointment today by calling (217) 722-4806 or email us at

Inspiring creativity,



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