Join The Conversation: Meet Jen

Sunday, 12 February 2012 by

How would you describe your style? I have a very laid back style. I like simple things and not too much clutter. What is your favorite hobby? I like playing lacrosse and I am a big music junkie. What is your favorite color? Blue. What is your favorite part of your home/room/office? I love all

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How would you describe your style? Contemporary. What is your favorite hobby? Exercising. What is your favorite color? Black, violet, teal. What is your favorite part of your home/room/office? Kitchen/Family Room. Where do you go for inspiration? Design home shows on cable. Marie’s inspirational photo:   What is your favorite inspirational design quote? “Fashion fades,

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Join The Conversation: Meet Jackie

Wednesday, 08 February 2012 by

How would you describe your style? I really adore a wide varitey of styles. My home is filled with things that inspire me. An art studio that is very eclectic and vintage; my baby’s nursery that has a chic “Audrey Hepburn” look; my daughter’s room that has a fairy tale / classic children’s book feel

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Can You Smell The Roses?

Tuesday, 07 February 2012 by

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Get your home ready and smelling fresh by decorating with flowers. They look nice, smell great, and have Valentine’s Day written all over them! Bring on the love! This creative piece is so easy and can be placed almost anywhere! Just put the flowers in a smaller vase,

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How would you describe your style? Comfy and casual. What is your favorite hobby? Playing soccer. What is your favorite color? Yellow. What is your favorite part of your home/room/office? My bed. Where do you go for inspiration? Look up stuff on the internet, pinterest. Nicole’s inspirational photo: What is your favorite inspirational design quote?

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