How-To: Dorm Decorating Tips

Wednesday, 21 August 2013 by

One of the main things that struck me about living in the dorm was the plain solid white walls. They offer a very plain and drab atmosphere. I was worried that once winter hit my room would be even more dismal with the flourescent lighting and it getting dark at 6 o’clock not to mention

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Inspiration: Dorm Decor Experts

Monday, 19 August 2013 by

My freshman and sophomore years of college I lived in Marian University’s dormitories. Doyle Hall housed the entire freshman class and was composed of double rooms with cinder block walls and communal restrooms. University Hall was where I lived sophomore year and was built just 4 years ago. It was composed of 4 person suites

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It’s back to school time and this week Grace shares some great tips and inspiration, for personalizing dorm room spaces. The easier it gets to find dorm friendly furniture and decorations the closer each dorm room starts to look like each other! This week I’ll explore some creative ways to personalize you or your kid’s

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Cleaning products contain so many chemicals with complex names, that its very difficult for the average person to be well versed in the cleaner’s they use. Some ingredients actually pose potential side effects. conducted a study on the different components of many popular products and the harmful ingredients they may contain. They also found

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According to many popular brandname household cleaners contain ingredients which are also allergens, hormone disruptors and carcinogens. These ingredients they found after testing the product were not listed on the label. You can avoid these toxins and have much more control over the ingredients in your cleaning supplies by mixing up your own! A

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