Not So Mellow Yellow

Friday, 29 June 2012 by

Yellow can easily be called the happiest color in the world. Yellow is the color of sunshine, dandelions, and lemonade which makes it the quintessential summer color. When done right, yellow can be more than a summer color and be used year round. Here are some ways to showcase this happy color around your home.

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Stained Glass Accents

Friday, 22 June 2012 by

Stained glass has been around for centuries but everyone knows that its true beauty can only be seen in the light. This fact makes it a perfect art piece or accent for your  window panes or patio furniture. My favorite part of these unique art pieces is that it brings multiple colors into a space

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Green Living

Friday, 15 June 2012 by

While I usually lack inspiration from nature, I find myself being highly influenced by the gorgeous weather. Summertime is always talked about for its blossoming flowers and outdoor sports, but what about the greenery that surrounds the flower or the grass the sports are played on? And of course I can’t forget about my favorite green display

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Imani used to think florals were for old and dated homes.  What about you, are florals a yes or no? As of late, I have been really drawn to floral prints. While my tendency towards loud, bright prints is nothing new, a new adoration for floral is. I used to associate floral in the home

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I am someone who has been known to despise the color brown outside of leather. I am also someone who has had to ban themselves from buying anymore coral clothes. That being said, I am absolutely shocked that I love of this color combo. When coral and brown are paired together I think the feel

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