Glimpse our new logo and e-design service

Sunday, 03 February 2019 by

Have you noticed anything different with us?  Yup we have a new logo! We wanted to improve our branding and messaging and decided, there is no better time than the present. Last year, I signed up for a 9 week training related to improving my business. One of my goals going in, was to get

Our new e-Design service is now live

Sunday, 13 January 2019 by

We are pretty excited to provide a new e-design service for our client base. Why now?  Well, It’s  been under consideration for quite some time and we finally found a platform that we feel our clients will love. Head to this page for all of the details.  So what exactly is e-design and who is

Remodelling your home can be quite a stressful process because it brings numerous challenges and to-dos. However, if you have children, this project becomes even more exhausting and demanding. Not only do you have to make all the renovation arrangements, but you also need to take care of your children and help them get through

With 3 days remaining until Christmas, the final home stretch was in full effect. I had 2  liberty township projects to complete. One included this following great room refresh. Before we got started we assessed the space for it’s potential.  I loved the two story room and open concept and was excited to help my

When I think about my year, what stands out the most is that so much of what I placed on my vision board and prayed for was realized. One of my goals was to partner with a builder in 2018 and I was lucky enough to collaborate with one of the the areas best. I